Jurien Bay Recreation Precinct Masterplan

In August 2021, Shire of Dandaragan Council approved the release of the draft Sport and Recreation Plan to the public for comment. The draft Plan included a detailed action plan that prioritises and guides the Shire’s resources to deliver the optimum sport and recreation outcomes in a planned approach.  A recommendation of the Plan is framed around the need to prepare masterplans for each recreation precinct over the coming years to respond to either increased demand or buildings reaching end of serviceable life.

In late 2023, the Shire created the Jurien Bay Recreation Precinct Working Group to help guide the Shire on the community's vision for the Recreation Precinct.  Members of a number of Jurien Bay community groups were accepted onto the working group.  To progress the Jurien Bay Recreation Precinct masterplan, the Shire understood the benefit of including the community throughout the design development stage. Establishment of a project working group provided insight from local users informed by a diverse range of views and opinions from a broad cross-section of the community and reduces the risk of any future built form design being inconsistent with community values and producing negative community feedback.

The key objective for the Shire of Dandaragan, in consultation with the working group, was to ensure that development of the detailed design of the Jurien Bay Recreation Precinct is representative of the community’s values, whilst aligning with the key objective of delivering a contemporary, flexible and inclusive recreation precinct that supports Jurien Bay sense of place and uniqueness, supports a move towards increased co-location and shared use between clubs, and will ensure that local content, values, and interpretation are incorporated into detailed designs.

Jurien Bay Recreation Precinct Working Group


Neil Ganzer

Ann Hendry

Aaron Altinier

Stephanie Krakowaik

Bronwen Hooper 

Harrison Park 

Suzanne Troup 

Garry Helliwell

Cr. Tony O'Gorman (Shire of Dandaragan)

Cr. Maddi McDonald (Shire of Dandaragan)


24 October 2023

 6 February 2024

Meeting Minutes 

24 October 2023

6 February 2024