Electronic Rates Notices
Along with being able to pay your rates online, the Shire of Dandaragan now offers ratepayers the option to receive rate notices and instalment notices by email via eRates.
To receive your notices by email, you must register. Please ensure you have your reference number handy. This can be found on the top right of a previous rate notice. Once you register, a verification email will be sent as a part of the registration process, it is essential that you activate your registration.
If you own more than one property, you will need to register separately for each property.
Please note that interim rate notices, final notices and other correspondence will be issued by post.
Things to be aware of before applying:
- There can only be one email address for each notice.
- If there is more than one owner of the property and both owners apply to receive an electronic notice, the e-Rates system will by default send the notice to the most recently registered email address.
- The registration process will automatically close fourteen (14) days prior to the issue date of any rate notice. For more information or to register, click here or feel free to contact our Rates Officer on 9652 0800.