Welcome to the employment section of the Shire of Dandaragan website. Here you can get an insight into the career opportunities available and find out more about working at the Shire of Dandaragan. By joining the Shire, you are joining a team that is centered on making a difference in our local community!
The Shire is a diverse and progressive regional local government on the cusp of a new growth cycle within two hours of Perth.
The services, facilities and activities offered by the Shire are continually evolving and expanding. As an employee, you can help us to reach our full potential. We employ around 65 staff members and provide an exceptional and committed service to the Dandaragan communities.
The Shire is an equal opportunity employer providing a welcoming, supportive, family friendly workplace.
The Shire’s employees enjoy a range of benefits that assist our staff achieve their career goals and have a good work / life balance. These include:
Flexible work arrangements
The Shire recognises that flexible work arrangements help employees achieve a work-life balance and assist in creating a positive work environment. Employees can access structured systems such as regular Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) and Rostered Days Off (RDO).
Superannuation contributions
The Shire currently provides additional superannuation through a Co-Contribution Scheme. To qualify for an additional 3%, employees must contribute a minimum of 5% towards their superannuation from their ordinary earnings either by an after tax contribution, salary sacrifice or a combination of both.
Over-award salaries
The Shire offers wages / salaries above those found in the Local Government Industry Award 2010.
Novated leases
All permanent employees at the Shire are able to utilise Novated Leases to purchase a vehicle for their personal use.
Leave entitlements
Annual leave
All full time Shire employees are entitled to 4 weeks (pro-rata for part time) annual leave per year and 17.5% leave loading on all annual leave.
Personal / Carer's leave
All full time Shire employees are entitled to 10 days (pro-rata for part time) personal / carer’s leave per year.
Two additional public service days
Full time part time Shire employees (where applicable) will receive an additional two days of leave each year called public service days. Employees will be entitled to an additional day off at New Year and one at Easter, being the 2 January and the Tuesday following Easter Monday of each year.
Long service leave
After 10 years of continuous service, Shire employees are entitled to 13 weeks long service leave and will receive recognition of their long service to the Shire.
Development opportunities
The Shire provides opportunities for employees to develop their skills via higher duties, acting roles and internal secondments.
Training and development
The Shire encourages its employees to increase their skills and knowledge related to their employment. A variety of training and development opportunities are available through the Shire including tertiary studies, short courses, conferences, seminars, workshops and more. To assist staff to meet their goals in this area employees may access study leave for exam preparation and attendance.
Employee recognition
Employees of all levels are encouraged to nominate each other for an Employee Achievement Award. These awards are given to employees who have gone above and beyond to meet the Shire’s values or create a safe work environment.
Uniform allowance
Full time Shire employees are entitled to an annual uniform allowance of $400 (amount may vary for part time and contracted employees).
Health and wellbeing
The Shire encourages its employees to maintain a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle. Employees have the opportunity to access or be involved in a variety of health and wellbeing programs throughout the year. These include skin cancer screenings, flu vaccinations and ergonomic, health and fitness assessments.
Employee assistance program
The Shire is committed to providing a free, confidential and flexible counselling service that assists employees identify and resolve a range of work related and personal concerns.
Employment conditions
The Shire's employment conditions are regulated by the Local Government Industry Award 2010.