Kanopy is a streaming service to watch films and other video recordings online. It is compatible with most devices including iOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku and Chromecast where the Kanopy app is available for download.
Kanopy streams thoughtful entertainment that bridge cultural boundaries to your preferred device with no fees and no commercials by partnering with public libraries and universities.
Log in with your library membership and enjoy the diverse catalogue with new titles added every month.
Library members with a linked Kanopy account can access up to 4 movies per calendar month and you have 3 days to watch each film as often as you like.
To login and get started, go to the Kanopy button below:

For new users click 'Sign Up' in the top righthand corner. Enter your name, email address and password into the web form provided. You will be sent an email to verify your account and once that is completed you can enter the Kanopy website from the email link.
To start watching click on 'Add Library Card' and enter your library card details.