Major Developments
There have been many major developments over the past five years across the Shire of Dandaragan including:
- Jurien Bay Youth Precinct and Skate Park
- Badgingarra Wind and Solar Farm
- Emu Downs Solar Farm
- Yandin Wind Farm (under construction)
- Cervantes Community Sport and Recreation Centre refurbishment and building extension.
- Jurien Bay Country Golf Club Water Project

Upcoming Projects
Waddi Wind Farm
Located between the towns of Badgingarra to the north and Dandaragan to the south, the Waddi Wind Farm will have up to 18x Vestas V162-6.0 EnVentus Turbines erected to produce up to 108 megawatts of power, which is enough to power 68,000 homes per year.
The proponent, Tilt Renewables is working towards a Financial Investment Decision to proceed with the Project in late 2023 and has recently progressed detailed design as well as ecological and cultural heritage investigations, with the aim of minimising impact to native vegetation.
The development is expected to employ around 150 people during construction and up to six people during operation.