The Shire of Dandaragan aims to support and develop youth by activities and services developed/supported by the Community Development team.
Youth Plan
The Shire of Dandaragan has been working with young people since late 2016 to develop the first Youth Plan for the Shire.
Over 2016-2017, we consulted with hundreds of young people around our four towns to determine how they would like the Shire to support and work with them. This Youth Plan is the result of that consultation and was written after identifying the interests, issues and aspirations of young people around the Shire.
To view the Youth Plan, click here.
To view the Youth Plan Appendix A (Action Plan), click here.
Youth Precinct
Jurien Bay
Have you visited our new foreshore youth precinct at Dobbyn Park in Jurien Bay - district level skatepark, large nature playground, basketball half-court - we love it and know you will too.
Our skatepark hosted the 2022 Revolve Skate Series - Western Australia's largest community run skatepark series. Young skateboarders and their families travelled from Jurien Bay to Kalbarri to Geraldton for the action.
Revolve Skate Series 2022
Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Scholarship - Now Open
The Shire of Dandaragan and Shire of Coorow invites young people in these Shires to apply for the Leeuwin Scholarship. The Leeuwin Scholarship assists with funding towards passage on a Leeuwin Ocean Adventure for one recipient. The Leeuwin operates under the principle of "challenge by choice” - the level of the challenge is up to each individual. 35 years of operation clearly demonstrates that the more each participant is willing to challenge themselves, the more they take away from the experience. There is a voyage to suit everyone, from Youth Explorer, Adult Adventure or Ultimate Challenge Voyages to Daylight and Twilight Sails and Corporate and Private Charters.
Our mission for this scholarship is to challenge and inspire young people to realise their personal potential and make a positive contribution to the wider community, through the unique medium of a tall sailing ship.
If you or your parents live within the Shire of Dandaragan or the Shire of Coorow, and you are between the ages of 15 – 18 years we would like to hear from you. Take up the challenge and make an application for a personal development program on board the Sail Ship 'Leeuwin'.
A written application is required of applicants, outlining what they feel they could receive from the experience. A letter of support from a community organisation included with the application will also assist in the selection process.
Applications are currently closed.
Download the 2024 Leeuwin Scholarship Information Pack.

For more information about the Youth Explorer voyage dates, go to
To submit your application, send to the Shire Community Services team at For further information, call 9652 0800.
Youth Friendly Communities
Spray the Grey Youth Festival
Spray the Grey is the Shire of Dandaragan's free annual festival for young people held on the foreshore in Jurien Bay.
We have scheduled our 2025 event for Wednesday 16 April 2025 during the school holidays.

ShoWcAse IN PIXELS is the annual exhibition of artworks from local governments around Western Australia. Previously know as Banners in the Terrace, our local schools have the opportunity each year to work with our community development team to create and enter their own banner into the exhibition.
The physical banners were traditionally hung on the poles along St Georges Terrace. Recently, WALGA has given schools the opportunity to display the artworks in a new format and venue - on the 45 metre high iconic digital tower in the heart of Yagan Square in Perth. This new format means artists are no longer restricted to PVC canvas and are encouraged to be as creative as they can.
In 2024, Cervantes Primary School displayed their digital design and were finalists in the competition.