Strategies and Plans

Shire of Dandaragan - Council Plan

The Council Plan is the Shire of Dandaragan’s most significant guiding document for the Shire’s direction over the coming decade. The document is segmented into four key themes with an aspirational statement about our future position supported by outcomes and detail on our high-level roles for success. The Shire will develop and update strategies and business plans to pursue these aspirations in consultation with the community and based on the feedback received through public consultation undertaken in the development of The Council Plan.

Underpinning the Shire’s business model and captured within the Vision is the importance of sustainability. Recognising that the coastline and fertile agricultural region north of Perth is a growing region both in population and industry, the Shire supports sustainable development initiatives that balance environmental, social and economic elements.

The Shire is proud to acknowledge the 612 customer contributions that provided guidance to the Council Plan from a wide cross-section of our community. We designed the community consultation plan to capture and respond to feedback from the grassroots of the community and develop strategic direction based on the needs and aspirations of the community. The Shire looks forward to ongoing collaboration with the community in the delivery and review of this plan.

The Plan was formally adopted by the Shire of Dandaragan at the Council meeting of the 22 August 2024 by Absolute Majority.

For a full copy of the Plan please click on the link: 

Council Plan

Long Term Financial Plan

The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) is an important planning tool to demonstrate the alignment between the Shire’s organisational capacity and Council’s strategic aspirations developed in conjunction with the community.

It is a legislative requirement that matters relating to long term financial planning are integrated into the Local Government’s obligations to plan for the future.

This plan considers the impact of a range of financial strategies on the Shire of Dandaragan’s economic environment over a fifteen-year horizon.

The LTFP is a 15 year rolling plan that informs and is informed by the Corporate Business Plan (CBP) to activate the priorities from the Strategic Community Plan (SCP). As part of the Integrated Planning process, it is a guide to the future direction the Shire of Dandaragan is planning to embark on.

The LTFP is a tool that allows the Shire to set priorities based on the ability to identify resources, for the delivery of various community priorities in a sustainable manner.

The LTFP is a guideline for future action and encourages the Shire to think about the impact decisions made today will have on Council’s long-term sustainability. It is a forward planning document that has been developed using financial trends based on a range of assumptions common to local government and reflective of future growth

As a supporting document to the CBP the LTFP is also reliant on data derived from the SCP 2020 - 2029 , the Workforce Development Plan, and the Asset Management Plans.

This LTFP has been developed in conjunction with a major review of the complete suite Integrated Planning and Reporting documents. It uses 1 July 2019 as its base year, but also incorporates the budget review as well as budget amendment made by Council in response to Covid 19 pandemic. It does not include project timeline changes as a result of the Federal Drought Communities Programme Extension or projects related to the Wheatbelt freight network. These will be included during 20/21 deliberations and be incorporated in the next interaction of the LTFP.

It should also be noted that the Shire’s developing asset renewal requirements across all asset classes to meet acceptable levels of service and the associated financial implications will likely impact future reviews of this document.

Long Term Financial Plan (2020)

Community and Services

Community Engagement Plan (2015)

Vibrant Communities Arts and Culture Plan (2020)

Youth Plan (2018)

Age-Friendly Community Plan (2016)

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (2021-2025)

Local Planning Schemes & Strategies

Local Planning Schemes & Strategies

Leisure and Recreation

Cervantes Recreation Precinct Masterplan

Masterplan Report - Jurien Bay & Cervantes Foreshore

Appendix A - Jurien Bay Foreshore Masterplan

Appendix C - Cervantes Foreshore Masterplan

Sport and Recreation Plan


Economic and Tourism

Economic and Tourism Development Strategy (2020-2029)

Jurien Bay Wayfinding Signage Strategy (2020)

Jurien Bay Airport Masterplan (2020)

The Jurien Bay Airport Masterplan provides a guide to the key infrastructure within the airport site which responds to the local environment and stakeholder needs to ensure effective functionality. Development of this masterplan by consultants, Slavin Architects focused on co-design with current and future airport users, and with the Shire through Councillors and Shire staff. The aims of the masterplan focus on providing a path for future development, and building a network of supporters and champions within the community for the Jurien Bay Airport.