Jurien Bay Regional Centre
Jurien Bay is the largest town in the Shire of Dandaragan, it provides many of the services that people across the region require. It has the main shopping precinct with a selection of outlets providing food, clothing and special items.
The main medical facility for the Shire is located in the town and accommodates physiotherapy, dietician, dentist and many of the ancillary health professionals that a community needs. Telehealth is a major feature of the Medical Centre with the capacity to link to emergency health professionals in Perth via video.
The Jurien Bay Wellness Centre has two doctors operating five and a half days per week and has a blood sampling facilities on site.
Jurien Bay District High School is located in the centre of town and caters for high school students from across the region.
The Community Resource Centre provides State and Federal Government Services to the coastal communities and publishes the local newspaper the Craytales on a fortnightly basis.
The Jurien Bay Growth Strategy is the blueprint for the integrated planning of the town:
Jurien Bay Growth Plan Volume 1 Feasible Implementation Plan
Jurien Bay Growth Plan Volume 2 Analysis, Integrated Strategy and Spatial Plans