Shire of Dandaragan
Economic Development Grant

The Shire of Dandaragan’s new Economic Development Grant aims to support innovation, attract investment in industry, entice more visitors, and encourage a broad range of projects with the potential to bring more people to work and live in the Shire of Dandaragan.
Attracting diverse and sustainable businesses, increasing local employment opportunities, helping businesses improve their capacity to become more competitive, enticing more tourists to visit our communities for longer periods of time, and, attracting more investment in innovative industry projects within the Shire of Dandaragan will help to build and support a diverse, sustainable, and thriving local economy.
The Economic Development Grant criteria aligns closely with the economic development priorities outlined in the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan 2029, and the Economic and Tourism Development Strategy 2029; both developed through significant consultation with community members across the Shire.
Applying for the Economic Development Grant
Firstly, please read the ‘Grant Guidelines’. The ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ information sheet will also provide you with useful details about the grant application process.
Once you’ve read both of these documents, if you think you have an eligible project, and you’d like to apply for the Economic Development Grant, please make contact with the Economic Development Manager to request an application form: 9652 0800 or
Applications for the Economic Development Grant can be lodged from 1 March until COB on 30 April each year. Application forms can be requested from the Economic Development Manager on 9652 0800 or
If you have any questions about the Economic Development Grant or the application process, you are encouraged to contact the Economic Development Manager for guidance between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm weekdays on 9652 0800 or
Economic Development Grant Guidelines
Economic Development Grant Frequently Asked Questions
Economic & Tourism Development Strategy 2029
Economic Development Acquittal Form