For general advice and help related to aged care, phone myagedcare on 1800 200 422 or visit
Community Home Support Program
The Community Home Support Program (CHSP) currently provides services to residents of Jurien Bay, Cervantes, Badgingarra and Dandaragan. CHSP provides care for those at Entry level 1 and 2 care packages. In certain circumstance, higher levels are provided when required. CHSP works with a 'wellness' approach and offers a range of assistance that can enable an individual to build and maintain their existing skills, regain lost skills, learn new skills and remain connected with their community. This enables people to maintain their independence and autonomy.
Services include Domestic Assistance, Social Support, Transport, Medication Prompts, Nursing, Personal Care, Meal Preparation, Home and Garden Maintenance.
The CHSP Office is at Jurien Bay Health Centre and you can phone 08 9652 0210 between 8am and 4pm (weekdays) for further information or email WACHS-Wheatbelt at
Bolton Clarke
Home and Community Support
Bolton Clarke offers a range of flexible services covering home nursing, home assistance and other specialised care including dementia support.
Designed to keep you living independently and delivered with the expertise, kindness and respect you deserve, we'll work with you to create a personalised care plan that suits your needs and interests.
We can help you understand the funding options available to you in the Wheatbelt, including Jurien Bay, Leeman, Greenhead, Cervantes and Badgingarra.
Services include nursing care, domestic assistance, food preparation/cooking, transport, home modification, home maintenance/gardening and pharmaceutical deliveries.
To find out more phone 9688 7721 or 0498 002 803
Alternatively, email