Public Art Committee
In March 2022, Shire of Dandaragan Council adopted the Public Art and Percent for Art Policy. The policy followed a recommendation from the Vibrant Communities Arts and Culture Plan, adopted by Council in August 2020.
The policy promotes creative and cultural arts in public spaces across the Shire. The Vibrant Communities Arts and Culture Plan (2020) and the Public Art Policy support the co-creation of commissioning of art, covering permanent and temporary installations on Shire land. The policy outlines the processes for art provision, including the 1% of allocated budgeted rates for the Public Art Funds.
In late 2023, the Shire of Dandaragan created the Public Art Committee to facilitate the implementation of the Shire's Public Art and Percent for Art Policy. Members from various town were accepted onto the committee.

Public Art Committee
Barb Green
Allison Whybrow
Dianne Knight
Marilyn Gazeley
Cr. Rose Glasford (Councillor)
Cr. Sharon Young (Councillor)