Envision 2029
The Shire of Dandaragan is currently undertaking a major review of our Strategic Community Plan (SCP). The community activities assisting us to review the SCP will be called Envision 2029.
The Strategic Community Plan will become the Shire’s highest level strategic document that will outline the long-term vision, values, aspirations and priorities for Badgingarra, Cervantes, Dandaragan and Jurien Bay over the next ten years. The SCP will then drive the development of local plans, resource strategies, service levels and other strategic documents required by the Shire of Dandaragan to deliver on the overall community vision.
In order to develop the SCP, we need input from as many members of our community as possible.
The draft Strategic Community Plan: Envision 2029 is now open for public comment. You can download the draft Envision 2029 document below:
Draft Envision 2029 Strategic Community Plan (please be aware this is a large file).
Please send comments by 5pm Friday 7 June 2019 to:
Brent Bailey
Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Dandaragan
PO Box 676
or email: council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au
How we worked with the community on Envision 2029
Envision 2029 comprised of the following five stages of community engagement:
Stage One: Survey - Now Complete
The Markyt Community Scorecard survey forms the first stage of Envision 2029, where community members were encouraged and invited to contribute to the long-term planning for the Shire of Dandaragan.
During this stage, respondents were asked to rate the performance of the Shire in leadership and communication, economic development, community development, built environment , natural environment, and share what you think the Shire should focus on improving.
All members of the community aged 14 and above were invited to have their say by completing the online survey.
Computer access and assistance was available at the Dandaragan and Jurien Bay Community Resource Centres. Paper surveys were in residential postboxes in early October, and additional copies available from the Shire Administration Office upon request. Please note that data from our recent Youth Survey will be incorporated into the SCP consultation. Contributions are now closed.
Stage Two: Creative Activities - Now Complete
‘My Little Idea: My Big Idea', a drawing/multimedia competition for young people is now closed. Young people from around the Shire were invited to submit a drawing or multimedia file of a little idea or a big idea of something that will have a positive change or benefit for our community.
‘Community, People & Faces' Photo Competition is now closed for people of all ages. Entrants were invited to show us the many communities, people and faces of the Shire of Dandaragan. We were seeking submissions of photos of the community and people that represent all that is special about our Shire. What this means is up to you and your creativity. Cash prizes were available, and selected entries will feature in the Strategic Community Plan and other Shire documents.
This stage is now closed. Winning entries will be available here soon.
Stage Three: My Little Idea, My Big Idea - Now Complete
There were opportunities for the community to discuss ideas with staff and Councillors in one-to-one in a variety of venues and locations.
We also had My Little Idea: My Big Idea suggestion boxes in key locations around Badgingarra, Cervantes, Dandaragan and Jurien Bay to share your ideas in a quick and easy format.
Stage Four: Workshops - Now Complete
A series of staff and community workshops were held from November to February to further consider the information and ideas that were gathered via survey and competition entries during stages one and two.
For individuals or groups of people who were unable to attend the community workshops, a DIY Kit is available for groups of people to hold their own workshop using the themes taken from stages one and two of the Envision 2029 engagement activities. Contact council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au for a copy.
Stage Five: Focus Groups - Now Complete
Members of the community were invited to present their 5-point plans to Shire Councillors for contributing ideas and solutions to the Shire’s big issues for the future.
Community members presented their five-point plan at issue-specific forums to Councillors from 11 March. The forums were designed to activate local knowledge and expertise within the community on the following topics:
- Economic Development around the Shire (Monday 11 March 2019)
- Activating our Foreshores (Tuesday 12 March 2019)
- Keeping our Lifestyle while Growing our Towns (Wednesday 13 march 2019)
The forums were held each evening in the Jurien Bay Council Chambers on 11, 12 & 13 March, with community members who were interested in the topics but did not wish to present, encouraged to attend the sessions as an audience member.
A small number of community members presented on each topic. After the presentations, the audience were encouraged to ask questions and offer their suggestions.
With the conclusion of this community engagement period, a draft version of the SCP is now presented to the community for review, before being adopted by Council in June 2019.
Envision 2029 Timeline
August 2018
Envision 2029 Launched.
September 2018
Community Scorecard Survey Opens.
September 2018 - November 2018
Community Information Tables held around the Shire with My Little Idea: My Big Idea suggestion boxes available.
October 2018
Community Scorecard Survey Closes.
October 2018
My Little Idea: My Big Idea Drawing Competition and Community, People & Faces Photo Competition Open.
November 2018
My Little Idea: My Big Idea Drawing Competition and Community, People & Faces Photo Competition Close.
November 2018 - February 2019
Community Workshops held around the Shire.
March 2019
My 5-Point Plan Forums.
April 2019
Contributions to Envision 2029 are closed for evaluation and review.
April 2019
Draft Strategic Community Plan released to public for comment.
May 2019
Strategic Community Plan finalised and presented for adoption at Ordinary Council Meeting.