Dandaragan Foreshore Pyp Grass Eradication Project
- Cervantes and Jurien Bay
Project Plan
To survey, record and monitor the spread of E. Villosa invasion along foreshore areas at Jurien Bay and Cervantes. To identify, map, monitor and review areas previously treated and revegetated. To allow previous and newly identified site of invasion to be treated for eradication and to allow revegetation.
Jurien Bay Regional Herbarium Group will perform on-ground surveys, to remap and assess previously identified treated and revegetated sites. On-ground survey of coastal areas to identify and map new invasion sites to gauge the spread of E. Villosa. Services of a local contractor will be engaged to retreat and/or commence eradication based on collated data and previously successful control measures. Minor infestations to be addressed by other means (physical removal) to facilitate removal. Instigation of a comprehensive revegetation of native species on treated sites will be done in consultation with the Shire, utilising volunteers and community groups with vested interest in rehabilitation.
- Re-identify sites previously mapped for E.Villosa with photo points established from previous work. Photos taken previously will form a baseline of sites and populations to illustrate coverage and density.
- Photo-points, combined with on-ground surveys, to be used to review effectiveness from previous identification, treatment and revegetation, as appropriate, to reestablish monitoring. Evidence of coverage, density and recovery of both Pyp Grass and native dune vegetation.
- Volunteers to survey coastal dunes and hinterland (up to tertiary dune system) to identify any new invasions, establish photo-points and record using GPS.
- Rate invasions (new and old) based on a subjective assessment on density of invasion being <5%, 5-50%, >50% to allow allocation of appropriate treatments.
- All photo-points to be based on quadrant location (if appropriate for the site), with each photo-point to be established to a set position and field-of-view using Photomon - photo taken at a set height at each site (old and new); GPS position recorded. Use of cadastral boundaries to be noted, predominant position in relation to tracks, paths and roads.
- Data from above to establish priority management options:
- Direct spraying as primary management tool
- Weed wiping - option where susceptible native species are in proximity and would be impacted by direct spraying and/or physical removal. Could also be applied in low density invasions i.e. <5% coverage. May be applicable to volunteer groups as part of ongoing survey/monitoring invasions.
- Physical removal - in areas identified as <5% coverage. Also based on accessibility and possible damage to surrounding vegetation if spraying would have an impact. Could be done in preparation for revegetation.
- Revegetation - use of local native species stock for planting the areas treated, with local provenance seed stock preferred as these will be specifically adapted to local conditions. Should take into account time for assessment of spraying efficacy and allow for seed collection and propagation. Some revegetation will be ongoing as physical removal allows for decreased competition.
- Monitoring - to be conducted to measure effectiveness of management options. Monitoring may focus on the following tools as historical data collection exists and this would allow consistency of data collection for comparative analysis:
- Photo - monitoring reference points as per use of the Photomon app. Will maintain quality of photo monitoring data, allow volunteers to monitor E.Villosa management and revegetation recovery.
- Quadrant monitoring (usually 10m x 10m) to be determined by invasion area and accessibility with option for smaller quadrants (5m x 5m). One quadrant at each treatment site be established to assess both a control (non-invasion) and trial (invasion) sites. Once commenced, then annual monitoring will give assessment of efficacy of treatment and establishment of revegetated plant species. This option will provide data that could be analysed at a later time.
- Transect lines run through the control and trial sites, an option. Plants in contact, either side of the line to be recorded and identified. Could be used if quadrants are not feasible or accessible.
- Collaboration with students or community groups to promote education and project profile.
Removing Pyp Grass and planting native plant species will:
- Improve dune stabilisation by planting deep-rooted varieties of dune plants grown from seed of existing vegetation
- Enhance the foreshore
- Maintain and enrich coastal biodiversity
- Increase tourism potential from beautification of foreshores.
The Shire's Contribution
The Shire of Dandaragan approved a grant of $9,759 through the Environmental Grants program for this project with the following conditions:
- Provision of before and after images for reporting and promotion
- Ongoing photo-points, quadrants and line transects photo data and records, as appropriate
- Promotion of project in Craytales, local/community media and to Council/Shire
- Provision of annual project reports to demonstrate progress on environmental outcomes
- Provision of annual update to community and local publications to promote the project to community including ongoing partnership with the Shire
- A public open day forum, approximately 12 months after commencement of the project
- Acquittal of grant money at a mutually agreed time, with provision to allow for reapplication in future rounds to continue the project.
Project Plan provided to the Shire of Dandaragan by Jurien Bay Regional Herbarium Group