Planning an Event
The role of the Shire of Dandaragan, as the approving body for events held on Shire of Dandaragan land, is to ensure all reasonable and practical precautions are taken by any event organiser, to protect the health and safety of patrons, the amenity of surrounding residents, and the protection of public venues.
These guidelines will provide event coordinators and community groups with information and links to resources for events, information for operational procedures, statutory and legal requirements as well as event management requirements. It will assist you in assessing what information to present with your application for a Shire of Dandaragan Public Events Approval Permit. The size and nature of the event will determine what issues need to be addressed.
Whether an event is private or accessible to the public, if the event takes place in any of the Shire's public spaces, you will be required to obtain an event permit.
A public space is land owned by or managed by Council and can include:
- Sports grounds and facilities
- Public reserve, garden or open space where the public are permitted access
- Street, footpath, laneway, car park
- Water ways
- Crown land

Applying for a Permit
If the event is to be held in a public space, the Shire of Dandaragan's events team can assist via an application process. This is done through our Community Development area. You will be allocated an event officer who will assess and issue a permit which will outline information on availability, conditions, regulations and other approvals required.
The size and number of people attending your event may impact the requirements provided by the Shire, this is to ensure all patrons are attending a safe event area.
An event application should be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to your event, however should the event be considered large or high risk, an application can be made up to 12 months in advance.
Download the Public Events Application form
Download the Wedding Event Application form
Download the Public Events Support Information
In addition to requiring a permit, event organisers may also require specific approval from Council or state government departments. E.g. Police, Main Roads, Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor.
Please note, requests for operational support from Shire staff will be assessed throughout this process. If event coordinators require additional bins or equipment from the Shire, this may be approved, however collection and drop off is the responsibility of the event coordinator and should be organised with the officer processing your event application.
Venue Hire
All Shire owned land and venues require a booking to be made. When completing a Public Events Application form, please indicate which venue (building, park, beach, etc.) you would like to book by indicating on the form, otherwise call 9652 0800 and speak with the Community Development Officer. Bookings will be held for three weeks only, prior to an Application being received. Once an event permit is received, your venue is considered confirmed.
If you would like to book rooms in the Jurien Bay Education and Conference Centre (behind the CRC), these can be done here.
Shire of Dandaragan Application to Conduct a Temporary Food Stall
Events that will sell or serve food, or provide food vendors at an event will need to ensure that food standards meet the Western Australian Department of Health regulations, hold a public liability insurance certificate and submit an application to undertake a temporary food service.
Download the Application to Conduct a Temporary Food Stall
Shire of Dandaragan Consumption of Alcohol Permit
Commercial and non-commercial events held on Shire grounds, where alcohol will be consumed or provided, must advise their Shire application officer of their application for consent to consume liquor. The Consumption of Alcohol Permit will be issued at the same time as the Public Events Approval Permit. No fee applies and no additional forms are required.
An application for an event to sell alcohol at an event requires both an Occasional Liquor License from the Office of Racing, Gaming and Liquor and a Shire Consumption of Alcohol Permit from the the Shire of Dandaragan. So please advise the Shire Officer and then contact the Office of Racing, Gaming and Liquor. Once the Shire permit is issued, the closest Police Station will be notified that alcohol will be available at the function with an indication of approximately how many people will be attending.
Download the Occasional Liquor License Lodgement Guide
Risk Assessment Guide
It is recommended that all event organisers complete an event risk assessment. We’ve prepared a risk assessment template to help you consider a range of scenarios you may need to plan for prior to your event. You do not need to submit this with your application, this is purely for your group to assess your own risk and manage the risk accordingly.
Download the Risk Assessment Guide
Events Equipment Hire
The Shire has a the following equipment available for use free of charge that may be useful for your community event:
- Marquee (6m x 3m)
- Marquees (3m x 3m)
- Shire of Dandaragan sponsor banners
- Shire of Dandaragan sponsor teardrop flags
- A-Frame signs to delineate consumption of alcohol area
- Rubbish and Recycling bins
The collection and return of items is the responsibility of the hirer. To book equipment, please contact the Community Development staff on 96520800.
Is your event accessible for people with disability or mobility issues? The Shire of Dandaragan is committed to ensuring that the community is an accessible community for people of all ages and all abilities.
Download the Creating Accessible Events checklist
Promotion of Your Event
If you would like to promote your event on the Shire of Dandaragan's website and Facebook page, please advise your Shire event officer who will assist you. All posters or images should be provided to Shire Officers in JPG format.
If you would like to display your event on the Jurien Bay Community Information Board, please complete the Application form here.
To add your event to the Shire's website calendar, click here. The calendar showcases many festivals, gigs, family fun days, exhibitions, sporting events and competitions all year round, and is the most comprehensive events calendar for the Shire.
The Turquoise Coast Visitors Centre is also one of the first sites locals and visitors use for information about the Shire, so feel free to drop off brochures and posters there for us to display.
We wish your event all the success and don't hesitate to contact the Shire Community Development area on 9652 0800 or to discuss your event ideas.