2020 Outstanding Citizen / Outstanding Young Citizen Award

Nominations are now open for 2020 Outstanding Citizen and Outstanding Young Citizen Awards.

The Shire of Dandaragan, in association with the National Australia Day Committee, will once again present the Outstanding Citizen and Outstanding Young Citizen Awards.  These awards are to be presented to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the community during the year ended 31 October 2020.

The nominees will be acknowledged and the winners announced at a function to take place at the Cervantes Community Recreation Centre at 7pm 9 February 2021.

Organisations are invited to nominate individuals for either category whom you consider has given the community exemplary service during and leading up to the last twelve months.


Important Information:

  • To be eligible for the Outstanding Citizen Award, the person must be an Australian Citizen and 25 years or older on January next;
  • To be eligible for the Outstanding Young Citizen Award, the person must be an Australian Citizen and under 25 years on 26 January next;
  • All residents of the Shire are eligible, although nomination by non-residents will be accepted;
  • If submitting a hard copy, Nomination Forms are to be completed and returned to Shire of Dandaragan at PO Box 676, Jurien Bay WA 6516, and marked Private and Confidential.  To submit via email, send to council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au, or by submitting this online form on or before 31 October 2020;
  • All sections of the selection criteria must be addressed when completing the form.
Nomination Form


Award Category*This field is required.
Details of Nominee

Details of Nominee

Is the person an Australian Citizen?*This field is required.
(If you do not know the address please simply include the town, state and postcode so we can qualify that the nomination is in the correct Local Government area)

(If you do not know the address please simply include the town, state and postcode so we can qualify that the nomination is in the correct Local Government area)

Where did you hear about these awards?*This field is required.
Do you want to remain anonymous?*This field is required.

Nominator (your details)