Arts and Culture Strategy Survey

The Shire of Dandaragan is developing its first arts and culture plan - Vibrant Communities.  

Building on existing artistic networks and talents within the region, the aim of this new plan is to articulate this vision for vibrant, innovative and creative cultural activity across the Shire.  

Capturing public input from cultural practitioners and the broader community, the plan will identify key locations for arts and cultural activities across the Shire, and new public art opportunities.

The Shire seeks your suggestions for ways to enliven public spaces, create a sense of place, encourage social cohesion, provide opportunities for skills development and lifelong learning and enhance the regions appeal to residents, visitors and new business, through the arts, creative industries and cultural tourism.  Contribution from a diverse range of voices will unearth imaginative new possibilities and opportunities for collaboration.

Share your ideas here.  All responses will be confidential.

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