Information and Launch
14 September 2011
Jurien Bay was selected to be part of the State Government Royalties for Regions Regional Centres Development Plan (SuperTowns) initiative. That meant the town would have access to additional funding to help it take advantage of the opportunities created by the predicted doubling of Western Australia’s population over the next 30 to 40 years. SuperTowns was designed to stimulate new business opportunities and new jobs, which will attract more investment and more people to live in the town.
The vision of SuperTowns is to have a balanced, well connected regional community, with lifestyle options and access to service. A place where with affordable, quality housing and a growing and diverse range of job opportunities that will offer more choices for people living in regional areas and become an attractive alternative to living in the metropolitan area. To help assist the Shire with this exciting challenge the Jurien Bay SuperTown Community Reference Group was established. Residents from various community groups volunteered to be a part of this group, including representatives from neighbouring towns and communities to ensure the wider community benefit from this extraordinary opportunity.
For further information on the Jurien Bay SuperTowns initiative, click the following links:
Jurien Bay SuperTowns Fact Sheet - Department of Regional Development & Lands
SuperTowns Vision Brochure - Department of Regional Development and Lands
SuperTowns Information Flyer
SuperTowns Q & A
Jurien Bay SuperTowns Launch - Advocate article