The Shire of Dandaragan is seeking your feedback to finalise its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2021-2025.
At the 28 April 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, a decision was made to endorse the Shire of Dandaragan's Draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2021-2025 for public comment prior to adoption.
The Draft DAIP was prepared after previous consultation with people with disability, their families and carers, services providers, Shire staff and the broader community through a survey to provide feedback on ways to improve services for people with disability.
It is a requirement of the Disability Services Act 1993 (the Act) that public authorities develop and implement a DAIP that outlines the ways in which the organisation will ensure that people with disability, their carers and families have equal access to its information, services and facilities. The Act identifies specific outcomes to be achieved by organisations in providing services to clients with disability.
The Shire of Dandaragan is seeking feedback from the community on whether this draft DAIP will better provide for people with disability living in and visiting our community. We encourage both individual and community group submissions to gain a broad perspective of the draft document.
Your valuable feedback may be used to refine the draft DAIP to ensure that the document aligns with the Shire's Corporate Business Plan overview of improving inclusiveness and accessibility for people with disability.
The Draft DAIP is available to download from the documents above. Alternatively, hard copies will be available to collect from the Shire Administration Centre in Jurien Bay, or libraries and CRCs around the Shire.
Submissions must be made via email to, by post to PO Box 676, Jurien Bay 6516, or hand delivered to the Shire Administration Centre at 69 Bashford Street, Jurien Bay.