The four communities in the Shire of Dandaragan have strong connections to sport and recreation and the participation in sporting activities forms an essential part of regional living.
The Shire has partnered with the various clubs and communities over many years by providing facilities, grant funding, volunteer support and leases of Shire vested land to develop infrastructure to meet local needs. The scale and scope of many of the facilities in each town would simply not have been possible without the extensive volunteer input, fundraising and community support which is commonplace within the Shire of Dandaragan.
The Shire’s Sport and Recreation Plan considers the next generations of community recreation infrastructure development.
While the current recreation assets are generally fit for purpose and respond to community needs, the consultation process for this project identified a number of gaps and areas where asset improvement is needed. In addition, the Shire has an important role in planning for longer term asset replacement and renewal needs of the community and to ensure this can be done in a fiscally sustainable manner.
Once adopted, this report will serve as Council’s endorsed Plan and establishes key directions for future investments across the four towns.
At the 23 June 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, a motion was passed to seek public feedback on this draft Sport and Recreation Plan.
To access a copy of the draft plan, please click the document link above.
Comments are invited until 5pm Friday 5 August 2022. Comments must be emailed to, or mailed to the CEO, PO Box 676, Jurien Bay 6516.
Minute Extract - Item 9.4.1 - Sport and Recreation Plan
Shire of Dandaragan Sport and Recreation Plan