Jurien Bay Airfield Masterplan (Closed)

The Shire of Dandaragan’s vision for the Jurien Bay Airfield is of a readily utilised land asset for the sub-regional centre of Jurien Bay and its broader population. The Shire believes that growth of the Airfield should follow a clear, strategic and sustainable direction for efficient economic and social development.
This draft masterplan provides a guide to the key infrastructure within the airport site which responds to the local environment and stakeholder needs to ensure effective functionality.  Development of this masterplan focused on co-design with current and future airfield users, and with the Shire through Councillors and Shire staff.
The aims of the airport masterplan focus on providing a path for future development, and building a network of supporters and champions within the community.
This draft document as been developed supporting the Shire of Dandaragan's new Local Planning Strategy 2019, which states the Shire’s desire to establish a regional airport facility to serve Jurien Bay, as a regional centre, and the surrounding hinterland. Primarily there is pressure on the development of the Airport, to attract industry, commercial enterprise and special interest groups. Gaining an understanding of its potential ensures that the Shire has a facility which generates income and maintains liveability for the community.
Please comment below on the draft airport masterplan, or by email to council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au, post to PO Box 676, Jurien Bay 6516 or call 9652 0800 by 4pm Friday 17 April 2020, after which time all comments submitted will be considered by Shire officers and Council.
Contact Details

Name: Rory Mackay

Phone: (08) 9652 0800

Email: council@dandaragan.wa.gov.au