Jurien Bay CBD Revitalisation Project (Closed)
Posted: 30/11/2020 Closing Date: 09/01/2021 12:00 AM
The Shire of Dandaragan, with help from PLACE Laboratory, are undertaking a Jurien Bay Central Business District (CBD) Revitalisation Project. The project aims to enhance the Jurien Bay experience for the community and visitors; and identify opportunities to enhance the environmental, economic, and social sustainability of the CBD.
Spaces like Jurien Bay CBD are the heart of the community. When these places are curated well, the possibilities are endless. We want to know what is working well, what is unique about the place and how it can be improved.
We will be holding two community workshops next week, and from this feedback a Jurien Bay Urban Design Plan will be developed.
To register for a workshop, please email mccs@dandaragan.wa.gov.au and a Conversation Engagement Booklet will be emailed to you.
If you are unable to attend a workshop, but would like to have your say about the CBD revitalisation, please email and a booklet will be forwarded to you.
- Monday 7 Dec 5pm - 7.30pm; or,
- Tuesday 8 Dec 9am - 12.30pm
Jurien Bay Education and Conference Centre,
67 Bashford St, Jurien Bay.