Following Council’s adoption of the foreshore masterplans, the Shire of Dandaragan would like to call for expressions of interest for nomination to the Jurien Bay Foreshore Working Group.
The recent foreshore masterplan that was adopted at the March Council Meeting is a conceptual representation of how the foreshore could evolve and function to provide a series of themes and cues to assist in guiding detailed planning and design decisions.
Due to the projects’ high level of local impact on the community, the aim of the Working Group will be to ensure that development of the detailed design of the Jurien Bay Foreshore and Youth Precinct / Skate Park is representative of the community’s values, whilst aligning with the key objective of delivering a contemporary, flexible and bespoke foreshore environment that retains Jurien Bay’s sense of place and uniqueness and will ensure that local content, values, and interpretation are incorporated into detailed designs.
If you are interested in being part of guiding the final detailed design of the Jurien Bay foreshore, please email to obtain a copy of the Terms of Reference and Nomination Form and return to the Shire Administration Centre by 5pm Tuesday 30 June.
The Terms of Reference (TOR) will set out the operating guidelines for the Jurien Bay Foreshore Working Group and include the purpose, structure and responsibilities of the group’s members.
Nominations will be considered by Council at the July Ordinary Council Meeting.