Last Chance to Have Your Say - WA Government Seeks Input from Local Community for Long-Term Cycling Strategy (Closed)
Posted: 29/09/2020 Closing Date: 07/11/2020 08:00 AM
This week is the last chance to have your say by completing the Department of Transport's (DoT) Avon Central Coast Cycling Strategy online survey before the consultation period closes at 5pm this Friday.
The State Government is developing the Avon Central Coast 2050 Cycling Strategy in partnership with the Shires of Beverley, Chittering, Dandaragan, Gingin, Northam, Toodyay and York and is seeking input from the community.
As well as sharing how they use the current bicycle network and how they would like to see it developed, the community is invited to have their say on a range of potential opportunities identified in a preliminary regional network. These opportunities include a coastal path connecting Jurien Bay and Cervantes, extending south to the iconic Pinnacles and a primary route along the scenic Avon River linking West Toodyay, Toodyay, Northam and Spencers Brook.
Other opportunities include completing shared path networks in towns and connecting key destinations and attractions within the region to boost cycle-tourism experiences.
The strategy, anticipated to be finalised in 2021, is the next step in the State Government's long-term approach to planning and investment in Western Australia's regional bicycle network.
Regional cycling strategies to 2050 are already in place and guiding infrastructure investment in the Greater Geraldton and Esperance regions and the Bunbury-Wellington, Leeuwin-Naturaliste and Warren-Blackwood sub regions.
The community can share their thoughts via
My Say Transport until Friday November 6 or at a number of upcoming community drop-ins being held throughout the region.
There are also several other ways you can provide input into the strategy. Complete the survey at the My Say Transport link,
use the mapping tool to comment on specific locations, or submit comments or questions via the your thoughts tab at the above link.