Proposed Motel - 20 Roberts Street, Jurien Bay (Closed)

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Dandaragan has received a development application for a four-storey motel, carparking and associated storage and service areas at 20 (Lot 62) Roberts Street, Jurien Bay.  

Details of the development proposal are available upon request at the Jurien Bay Administration Centre during normal office hours or by calling 9652 0800 or by downloading from the Documents section above (large file). 

Comments can be made on the proposal up to 4pm Friday 5 August 2022 and may be submitted to the Shire in writing or via email to 

Should you require any further information or clarification on this matter, please contact the Planning Officer on 9652 0800 or 


20220825 Minute Extract - Item 9.3.5 - Proposed Motel Lot 62 Roberts St

Contact Details

Name: Rory Mackay

Job Title: Planning Officer

Phone: 9652 0800
