Proposed Road Closures of Unmade Road Reserves off Doust, Roberts and Heaton Streets, Jurien Bay (Closed)

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Dandaragan Council, on 24 September 2020, resolved to commence the road closure process for three unmade road reserve portions that traverse the Jurien Bay Foreshore (Dobbyn Park) Reserve 28541 being the ends of Roberts and Doust Streets and portion off Heaton Street, Jurien Bay. A reference map of this proposal is shown below for reference.
In accordance with section 58 (3) of the Land Administration Act 1997 the Shire of Dandaragan seeks comment on this proposal on or before Wednesday 27 January 2021. Responses can be submitted to
Should you require any further information or clarification with respect to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Shire Development Services on 9652 0800.